Je joues egalemet sur le serveur 6 .com, dans l'alliance CF1 (rang 16 !) avec deux wings et une coordination incroyable...
En effet, chaque membre d'une alliance doit avoir un co-gestion dans une autre et voit ainsi ce qui se passe dans l'alliance soeur.
Les ordres de déf/att, support, conquète sont donnés IG. Les explications dans le forum.
Dans leur forum, est exposé une stratégie pour conquérir les villages...
La voici (en anglais) :
Fake attacks involve sending 1 low level soldier
on an attack to an enemy village. Fakes are best when sent in waves of
4 to simulate a catapult attack. Rams move at 4 fields per hour,
catapults at 3. So a praetorian would be the closest troop, at 5 fields
per hour, to simulate a cat attack.
When someone launches a true attack on a village - one designed to
conquer it or to destroy it - you will see the attacks coming in waves.
The first wave will consist of a huge amount of troops designed to
clear out all defensive troops. This first wave will also have rams to
destroy your wall. The other waves will have a small amount of troops
and a good number of catapults. The catapults will target your
residence, granary, main building, grain mill, etc. These buildings are
targeted in order to destroy your crop production so you can't feed
reinforcements, and inhibit your ability to quickly rebuild from the
Let's say we have an enemy who has 3 villages, and we want to mount
an effective attack. We have to attack all of his villages because if
we just attacked one, he could move all his troops and resources to the
other 2 and very little damage would be done. If we attack all of his
villages, he has to try to guess which village is the REAL target. It
is also a good idea to send fakes to any of his nearby alliance
members, so they are tied up defending their own villages instead of
sending reinforcements to the true target.
You will see orders via IGM and on the forum to send fake attacks to
villages from time to time. The timeframe for sending them will be
specified. It will normally say if you can reach the target within a
certain amount of time, send the fakes.
Now to explain how to properly send fake attacks:
You want to use tabs in your browser. Open 4 screens and set up
each attack. Get them ready to the point that all you have to do is
click the "ok" button the final time. I use IE, so the macro to switch
tabs is control/tab. I set my attacks, and then position the mouse over
the "ok" button on the first tab. Sending the attacks rapidly is simply
a matter of clicking "ok", Cntrl/tab, click "ok", cntrl/tab
"ok"....etc. You will send all 4 attacks within a second or 2 of each
Je prendrai le temps de traduire à l'occasion